Week of August 1, 2022
- Join us on Sunday for worship at 10:30am either in-person or online! Rev. Dr. Scott Stearman will bring a message “Beginning with the End” from Luke 12:32-40.
- This Sunday is also NAME TAG SUNDAY!
- Midday prayer service each Wednesday at 12:15 pm in the chapel.
- Choir rehearsals resume THIS WEDNESDAY August 3rd 7:30-8:30pm! Anyone who is interested is invited to join. Email Rachel with any questions! rmann@bayshorebaptistchurch.com
- Don’t forget next week is Promotion Sunday!
- Scott Stearman and Sara Hunt-Felke will lead a Youth Program Informational Meeting THIS SUNDAY after worship! Parents, Youth and anyone else interested are encouraged to attend. See you in the Fellowship Hall from 11:30 – 12:30. Pizza will be served!
- We are updating the Church Directory! Please email your family photos to be included: ministrysupport@bayshorebaptistchurch.com. We hope to publish in the fall!
- Bayshore’s next business meeting will be Sunday, August 14 immediately following the worship service.
First Nesters is a ministry of BBC that helps youth aging out of foster care furnish their first apartments. We need your help: delivering/setting up furnishings, picking up donations, and obtaining items (furniture and household items). For more information contact: Deb Alexander, Jane Ford, Karen Rooks, Gloria Scarle, Melissa Scarle, or Tammy Snyder. OR … Save the Date for an informational meeting Sunday, August 28th after worship in Koinonia Coffee Shop.