Week of January 9, 2023
- Join us for Sunday Worship at 10:30am in-person and on-line.
- Wednesday Prayer Service returns this week at 12:15pm.
- Wednesday night activities begin again next Wednesday, January 18 at 6:30pm!
- Mark your calendars for VBS this summer June 5-9.
- Wednesday night activities begin again next Wednesday, January 18 from 6:30 to 8pm!
- The next 1st Sunday Worship will be February 5 from 6-8pm.
- There will be a Church Business meeting This Sunday, January 15 immediately following the worship service.
- Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study resumes THIS WEDNESDAY January 11 at 10:30am! Join us in-person or on Zoom (Zoom Meeting ID: 862 6697 4866, Passcode: 490329).
- Choir rehearsals resume next Wednesday, January 18.
- Bayshore’s regular Wednesday Night activities don’t resume until January 18, but Rev. Scarle’s Bible Study class is going strong on Zoom every Wednesday night at 6:30pm. Join him as he leads a class on 1 Samuel: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81828800368?pwd=Q0F6M3liL252NTVJSFRCNUgyTUJkUT09 Meeting ID: 818 2880 0368. Passcode: 242176.
- Tutor Needed! Do you remember Christian? One of our Bayshore students who now lives in Ecuador? Well, he is now in high school and could use a little extra help with geometry. Could you, or someone you know, offer a couple hours a week to tutor over video conferencing? Being able to speak Spanish is a plus. Please contact Jim Neill if you have questions or can help: jimneill1954@netscape.net.
- Join CBF Florida/CI for a virtual Book Club! This 4-week club led by Rachel Gunter-Shapard, Regional VP for Together For Hope (TFH) Black Belt will take on the book Having Nothing and Possessing Everything: Finding Abundant Communities in Unexpected Places by Michael Mather. The first session is January 31, 2023 at 12:30 (EST). For ZOOM link or more information, contact Melissa Rodriguez mrodriguez16@floridacbf.org.
- Save the Date for Immokolee Trip! Learn about and engage with Cultivate Abundance as you experience planting container gardens, visit with families in Immokolee, tour Mision Peniel and catch the passion to eliminate food insecurity in this special farmworker community. Saturday February 11 is the date! Contact Michelle at CBF FL/CI at 863-709-4137 for more information.