Week of May 8, 2023

- Join us for Sunday Worship this Mothers Day weekend at 10:30am in-person and on-line. Pastor Scott will bring the message from the book of Acts.
- Sunday School classes for adults, youth and children begin at 9:30am every Sunday morning!
- All are welcome to our Wednesday Prayer Service at 12:15pm. This is a lovely way to take a moment to breathe and connect in prayer midweek. Join us in the Chapel!
- PARENTS–Bayshore Youth are hosting a Parents’ Night Out Fundraiser THIS FRIDAY May 12th from 5-9pm. Enjoy a quiet evening before the summer craziness begins! Contact Sara (shunt-felke@bayshorebaptistchurch.com) with the names and ages of the kids who are coming.
- Spots are filling up for VBS 2023! If you haven’t already, sign up to be with us June 5-9 from 9am to noon–aftercare available, too! Follow this link to register: VBS Registration 2023. Get “Ready, Set, MOVE!” with us this summer! Tell your friends!
- How about volunteering at VBS? Register HERE to take part in this week of FUN! Plus–children of volunteers attend for FREE!
- SUPPLIES NEEDED! Thank you to everyone who has already generously donated supplies for VBS. We’re off to a great start! If you’d like to chip in, click here for our Amazon Wish List!
- SAVE THE DATE! Graduation Sunday is May 21st! Please send your photos and bios to Sara (shunt-felke@bayshorebaptistchurch.com), so that we can honor you.
- If you need a place to do some last-minute studying, or just some time to chill, come to The LOFT on Wednesday from 6:30-8pm! The LOFT will open Wednesday Nights through May for casual dinner and games.
- We are hosting another Parents Night Out Fundraiser May 12th from 5-9pm. Please plan on coming to help lead games, make crafts and watch a movie with the younger kids!
- PURSUIT service camp is happening June 19-23! Bring a friend or make a friend while putting in community service hours and enjoying some fun and games, too! Registration is LIVE! Click this link to register: PURSUIT Registration 2023.
- Rev. Bill Scarle’s Wednesday Night Bible Study will be going strong this summer. If you’d like to join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 818 2880 0368 Passcode: 242176.
- First Nesters is a ministry of Bayshore Baptist Church. Our mission is to help young adults aging out of foster care by furnishing their first apartments. We have furnished over 150 households in the 12 years. Households are furnished with gently used items which have been donated by our community. In addition, we are able to provide each household with a new mattress and bedding because of the generous support of our donors. If you are interested in in supporting the mission of First Nesters here are ways you can help: Donate furniture and household items in ready to use condition or contribute financially so items can be purchased; Volunteer: to pick up furniture donations, to help load and deliver furniture and/or set up households for our young adults: Pray for the young adults we serve. First Nesters does not have any paid staff. We depend on volunteers and donors who want to share the love of Jesus with our community in a tangible and practical way. If you would like additional information, including a more detailed list of items we need, contact the Church Office @ 813-253-3411.