What is the best thing to eat for breakfast? Peanut butter and honey sandwich with a glass of milk
Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Somewhere in my clothes closet
What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Nothing
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Teacher, interior designer, preschool owner
How do you eat oreos? I twist doublestuff oreos open and scrape off the icing with my teeth.
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your best friend’s name? Tanker
Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes, Nick Lachey at the 2005 Super Bowl.
How many countries have you visited? 20+
Can you hula hoop? Nope! I’m not that coordinated.
What is your favorite holiday? Easter
Do you like your peanut butter creamy or crunchy? Crunchy
What is the last good book you’ve read? The Poisonwood Bible – my all time favorite
Name a song you know all of the words to: Jesus Loves Me
What was your first job? Lifeguard at the community pool