Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Deut. 4:1-2, 5-9; Ps. 78:1-6; Matt. 5:17-19
In an attempt to slow myself down a bit, I started meditating a few times a week. Kind of accidentally, I began to use that time in fellowship with God. My intention was to focus on God’s goodness, his amazing power – to experience God’s presence in my life. It became a very intimate time with God. During this time I never prayed for anyone or asked for help with my problems – it was time spent alone with God.
My journey continued as I learned there was a name for this type of prayer – lectio divina. Though a little more formal than what I was practicing, it added to the richness of my time with the Lord when I incorporated some of the suggested steps. It also “gave me permission” and even encouragement to spend time with the Lord, unencumbered by my long list of prayer requests.
In the book Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, M.D., the author vividly describes a near-death experience and names three conditions we will feel in heaven: God’s constant, unconditional love; the absence of fear; and nothing we can do is wrong. WOW. That is amazing freedom. Unconditional love . . . I always knew God loved me unconditionally but I guess I never thought about what that really meant or more importantly what it felt like. Now as I start my time with God, the first thing I meditate on is his unconditional love for me. It creates a natural flow of gratitude and awe. It creates a burning desire for a deeper relationship with him – the very reason he created me. And through that relationship of unconditional love comes the peace that transcends all understanding.
–Melissa Scarle