- Join us for Worship on the Third Sunday of Advent! Bayshore’s Chancel Choir will lead a Choral Christmas Service beginning at 10:30am.
- Midday prayer service each Wednesday at 12:15pm in the chapel.
- Come to the Children’s Christmas Party THIS SUNDAY December 11th at 2pm!!!
- Contact Sara if you would like to assist with the Children’s Christmas Party THIS SUNDAY. LOFT Youth will present the Nativity Story to the younger kids.
- Mark your calendars for the Youth Lock-In on December 17th!
- Next Wednesday December 14th, let’s pause and gather for an evening of fellowship and creativity with a Women’s Advent Gathering from 6-8pm. We will work on a watercolor Nativity scene painting–no experience needed. You can bring Christmas cookies for a cookie swap, too! RSVP to Sara shunt-felke@bayshorebaptistchurch.com.
- As you begin your shopping this season (or anytime!) support Bayshore through AmazonSmile! Just type “smile.amazon.com” on your web browser or activate it through the Amazon Shopping app. Prices and selection are exactly the same as Amazon.com with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Bayshore.
- Bayshore’s regular Wednesday night activities are suspended until 2023, but Rev. Scarle’s Bible Study class will be going strong on Zoom with no breaks every Wednesday night at 6:30pm. Join him as he leads a class on 1 Samuel: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81828800368?pwd=Q0F6M3liL252NTVJSFRCNUgyTUJkUT09 Meeting ID: 818 2880 0368. Passcode: 242176.
- This is the last week of the Christmas Toy Drive in partnership with Kingdom Kids of Tampa Bay! We are collecting Barbie dolls, basketballs, footballs, Hot Wheel cars, along with gift cards for our Mission Partners Kingdom Kids! They serve the 700 children at Robles Elementary. Contact Laura Jones at 813-787-4631 with any questions.
- December is CBF Global Missions Month! From Amani Sasa in Kampala, Uganda, to Cultivate Abundance in Immokalee, Florida, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Field Personnel create beloved community by meeting people where they are. If you’d like to make an offering to help put FAITH in ACTION, take one of the little cardboard banks in the church lobby display, fill it with loose change or bills, and return it to the Altar Table in the Sanctuary. Any form of donations are welcomed. Help us maintain our presence around the world as we bear witness to Christ which always results in transformed lives.