Week of September 12, 2022
Come check out the all new activities planned for Shore Kids and The Loft! Plus–Adult fellowship and formation opportunities:
–Wellspring Women’s Study Group
–Rev. Bill Scarle’s Bible Study Class
–Coffee with the Pastor
- Join us on Sunday for worship at 10:30am either in-person or online! Rev. Rachel Gunter Shapard from Together for Hope (http://hope.cbf.net) will be our guest speaker. Rev. Gunter Shapard will also share a special presentation for adults and youth in Fellowship Hall at 9:30am.
- Midday prayer service each Wednesday at 12:15 pm in the chapel.
- Join us for mission, music and mayhem on Wednesday Night at 6:30! If you need child care, please RSVP to Melissa at mscarle@bayshorebaptistchurch.com.
- Loft Skate Party THIS SATURDAY September 17th! Come out from 4-6:30 at United Skates (5121 N. Armenia Ave.). The cost is $5. Contact Sara with any questions: shunt-felke@bayshorebaptistchurch.com.
- Got Old Athletic Shoes? Bayshore wants them! If you have extra sneakers in your closet, garage, locker, gym bag—even if they’re dirty or old—don’t throw them away. Bring them to our collection baskets, and we will recycle them to raise money for youth events. Tell your friends and neighbors!
- Come cheer on your Bayshore Softball team as they take on the GOATS Friday night 7pm at Gadsen Park (6901 S. Macdill). For more information, contact Jordan Riviat (jordan.rivait@imfertilizer.com) or Jason Lee (Lee8880@gmail.com).
- Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study is underway from 10:30 to 11:30am in the Coffee Shop. For more information or for the Zoom link, please call Janet Allyn at 813-257-4750, or email her at sjfallyn@gmail.com
Save the date for Bayshore Bingo! Shore Kids invites EVERYONE for a fun afternoon October 2nd at 3pm in the Fellowship Hall. There will be prizes and an ice cream sundae bar. All proceeds benefit Bayshore’s Global Mission Partners! Reach out to Melissa with any questions: mscarle@bayshorebaptistchurch.com.