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Week of April 10, 2023


  • Join us for Sunday Worship at 10:30am in-person and on-line. Pastor Sara will bring the message this week.
  • Sunday School classes for adults, youth and children begin at 9:30am every Sunday morning!
  • All are welcome to our Wednesday Prayer Service at 12:15pm. This is a lovely way to take a moment to breathe and connect in prayer midweek. Join us in the Chapel!


  • Registration is LIVE for VBS 2023! Plan to be with us June 5-9 from 9am to noon–aftercare available, too! Follow this link to register: VBS Registration 2023. Get “Ready, Set, MOVE!” with us this summer! Tell your friends!
  • How about volunteering at VBS? Register HERE to take part in this week of FUN! Plus–children of volunteers attend for FREE!
  • SUPPLIES NEEDED! Thank you to everyone who has already generously donated supplies for VBS. We’re off to a great start! If you’d like to chip in, click here for our Amazon Wish List!


  • SAVE THE DATE! Graduation Sunday is May 21st! Please send your photos and bios to Sara (, so that we can honor you.
  • PURSUIT service camp is happening June 19-23! Bring a friend or make a friend while putting in community service hours and enjoying some fun and games, too! Registration is LIVE! Click this link to register: PURSUIT Registration 2023.


  • Bayshore Softball’s last game of the regular season is this Friday, April 14th at 9pm! Come out and support the home team at Gadsen Park!


  • Our very own Pastor Scott Stearman left today on a “Mission of Hope,” an ecumenical delegation to Malaysia and India tasked with advocating for the protection of Burmese refugees languishing in camps along those nations’ border with Burma. The group’s specific objectives include advocating for the protection of Zomi and other Burmese refugees from extortion, arbitrary arrest, detention and deportation, to urge India, Malaysia and the U.N. to streamline the process for granting Burmese refugee status, and to hasten humanitarian aid to these and other refugee groups. Please keep this delegation in close prayer, and especially the people living in these camps. Read more here.