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Good Friday

The text of Tom’s Good Friday meditation from earlier this evening… At the center of the Gospel, at the center of the Christian religion, at the center of everything, is a broken, bloodied, tortured Middle Eastern Jew hanging on a cross between a couple of...

Sundays in Lent

By this point, many of you are probably well underway with your Lent vows.  It’s been a couple of weeks, and you may find yourself seriously yearning for chocolate or social media or whatever you may have given up.  Well, did you know that this season has a built-in...

Lent: Hiding Hallelujahs

There’s a lot about Lent that you won’t find in the Bible, but for centuries, Christians have treated the weeks leading up to the death of Christ as a special time of reflection and self-discipline.  Last week, we talked a little about what it means to give up...

A Challenge for Lent

Every year when Lent rolls around, I think back to an experience at a previous church.  During our Ash Wednesday service, we all passed around post-it notes and wrote down the things we planned to give up.  It was then my task to take those post-it notes and put them...