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A very special thank you to Mr. Jim Neill for serving as a chaperone and Bible Study leader on our youth group’s trip to Toccoa, GA for camp!  Working with Student Life, the youth and chaperones served at local mission sites, shared deeply profound times of worship, and learned together about God’s Kingdom.  It was a life-changing experience for all involved, and now Jim shares some of the things he learned . . .


Twelve things I learned, or had affirmed, at Student Life Camp:

1. I learned the definition of Hypostatic Union (the concept of Christ being completely God and completely human, both at the same time). I’m not sure if this has any practical application, but I feel smarter just knowing this tidbit of information.

2. A good praise song, presented as an offering to God, can bring you to your knees.

3. Worship was my favorite part of camp, but our bible study was a close second. I was blown away by the spiritual maturity of our high school guys. Thanks to Robby, James, Chad, Matt, Kenny and Riley for some amazing discussions.

4. It’s really, really, really important that the worship leader and video tech be on the same page.

5. Being in worship together with 500+ youth and adults, praising our Almighty God, is both awe inspiring and humbling.

6. We had a wonderful, caring group of adult leaders last week. I was honored to work next to Tom, Richard, Ann, Lisa, Ashley and Khanisha.

7. When lifting up the names of each of your mission workers in a prayer circle, remember that Sophie is not Sarah.

8. Bayshore youth are extremely blessed to have Tom Chappell Lewis as their spiritual mentor.

9. Stephanie’s support for me on this trip was boundless. Her encouragement meant the world to me. I am one lucky man.

10. Watching youth who you care about grow in their faith is really cool.

11. The Holy Spirit, working through an ordinary man, can do things he never believed possible.

12. Relationships are everything.


Thanks again for your service, Jim!

If you would like to hear more about our youth group’s experiences at Student Life camp, watch this blog for further updates or talk to our youth on Sunday morning!