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“…brothers and sisters, the appointed time has grown short; from now on, let even those who have wives be as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no possessions, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away…” – I Corinthians 7:29-31

What is the most important thing you must do today?  What about this week, month, or year?  What are the burdens you feel pressing in around you?  Now imagine for a moment how differently your life would be if those things didn’t matter.  What if the things in life that we think are most important are actively passing away?  As the Apostle Paul reminds us, they are.

Now, I don’t think this means that we are to check out of life and live as hedonistic egomaniacs and do whatever we want.  Instead, Paul is calling us to remember the things that are most important.  Of course, this begins with our faith and relationship with Christ.  As we begin with that relationship which will never pass away, we quickly become reminded of the things that matter most like family, friends, and giving to others.

Today, no matter what you might have going on, take a moment to remember that it’s probably not as important as you think.  Allow yourself some time to focus on the things that do matter.  Go for a walk and talk to God.  Take a friend for lunch or coffee.  Come home early from work and stay up a little later with your kids.

May we be rooted in the things that do not fade away, and may we allow the things that do to pass us by.