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Isaiah 9:6


At the beginning of the season, hearing “Silent Night” on the radio brings back many memories for me.  I cry every year.  Then reality hits and I get my to-do list in order.  The challenge of finding the right Christmas cards is first on the agenda.  Knowing the first thing to hit the eye when removed from the envelope is the front of the card, what will my chosen card depict?  A baby in a manger, Santa Claus, angels, or some other popular scene?  Also, the wording of the inside verse could be interesting:  Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!  A once-a-year card mailed to special friends I hold in my memory bank along with “Silent Night.”

How do I express in a card the real meaning of Christmas?  The baby in the manger has become a gentle giant of a man who became our Christ.  Dressed in simple clothing, He walked miles with a message God wanted his creation to hear and live by.  God knew we can’t run on empty; we have to fill our souls with the peace and love that by design we are created for.  My card would be meaningless without the message of Christmas.

Perhaps my Christmas card should suggest a special gift for us to give.  Look around, we live in a beautiful world but also a hurting world.  What would the one whose birth we are celebrating ask us to give?  Picture in your mind the gentle giant of a man referred to as “The Prince of Peace.”  What does He say to us?  Can He tweet?

–Carolyn Webb