Sunday, March 19, 2017
Ex. 17:1-7; Ps. 95; Jn. 4:5-42; Rom. 5:1-11
I began with Bayshore’s “Watchman on the Wall” prayer ministry at its start, in March of 2003. For many years, my time of prayer—my watch—was on Tuesday evening. At the end of my watch, I observed the custom of contacting the Watchman who followed me, to commend them to their watch. The Watchman who followed me was Virginia Whitlatch.
Even at that time, Virginia was mostly homebound. An oxygen tank was always nearby when she felt the need for a good breath of air. But physical limitations never stopped Virginia from praying.
Virginia didn’t pray immediately after me, but in the wee small hours of the morning. She was normally awake then. Virginia actually maintained a watch about that same time on several mornings of the week.
Since Virginia did not start her watch immediately following me, and since I did not have to dash anywhere, except maybe to sleep, we had time to chat and catch up. We shared with each other our prayer requests and our praises. And we talked about prayer. Virginia offered some of her observations on the subject.
Virginia observed that prayer changes things—circumstances, other people, even the ones who pray. How often I forget that last point. I know God uses prayer to transform me for His glory, but I forget the moment-by-moment benefits of our communion. And I am sorely in need of those each day.
Virginia’s transformation is complete, for she is with our Lord. Hallelujah! I, on the other hand, am still here and in need of much work on a daily basis. I’d better get to praying.
–Jimmy Thomas