“Driving Toward the Goal Line”
Don’t you love to watch a football game when your team has the ball and you’re in the last minute of play? You must score, and you are pushing down the field to somehow get the winning points?
You hold your breath every time the ball is snapped.
The QB drops back. The lines charge each other. Will he get the pass off? Will the wide-receiver, flying down the sideline, catch the ball? Was there interference on the play? Did he get out of bounds to stop the clock? Did they get close enough to try a field goal?
Finally, with only seconds left on the clock, the QB floats a pass to the back corner of the end zone. Two players in different colored jerseys leap simultaneously toward the spinning pigskin. With one hand, the receiver pulls it in, stretches to get his feel in bounds. The referee throws up both arms, and the home town fans erupt in a joyous cacophony of praise! YOU WON THE GAME!
All of that to say this:
There are seven Sundays left on the clock
We are behind $100K in the last fiscal quarter
We’ve got the ball. We’re moving. People are joining and being baptized. There’s a great spirit of love in the fellowship. But . . .
Will we end the game in the black?
Maybe this is clearer:
A tithe is 10% of one’s gross income. How much will you make this year? (That much, really?) Have you been systematically putting 10% of your gross income into the treasury of the church? Are you a “tipper” or a “tither?”
Let’s determine quietly that Bayshore can win this game. Consider the fact that you are not in the hospital. You have a job. You are educated, and you live in America. There are many things you can do to strengthen your church and your nation. Pull out your check book . . . and, well, you know the drill.
I thank you. The Father thanks you. Jesus depends on you. The Holy Spirit is pulling for you to drive toward the goal line and catch that pass!
Can you see my smile?
Can you feel my love?