After three Sundays preaching and working at Bayshore again, I am about to shake the surreality of it all!
God has graciously given us eight new members already!
I have been floored and humbled by your loving, positive response to my coming back among you to help shepherd this great church.
Let me tell you what you’ve got going for you. Our facilities are absolutely gorgeous! The location is perfect for growth. The history of the church is rich with evidence that God will guide us into significant growth, both numerically and spiritually, if we pay the price of discipleship. We have the resources in people power and in financial ability. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. The silver and the gold are His! He will send the resources to do what He leads us to do.
My wife, Marilyn, arrived from Dallas safely Sunday afternoon late. I feel I am all here now! She will be singing in the choir (along with me) and visiting prospects with me each week. Those of you who have not met her will find her to be approachable and loving, someone you can talk to.
Sunday is July 4th! Come help us celebrate our nation’s 234th birthday. The choir will sing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic!” My message is “One Nation Under God!” My text is I Peter 2.11-17. Your job is to show up with a friend!
God loves you just like you are . . . and so do I!