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“Admiral Noah”

When was the last time you heard a sermon about Noah and the ark?

Let’s look at this ancient story Sunday. It is probably the one Old Testament story that most people have heard about. Hoping to build on what you already know, I want to walk with you through this epic account of God deciding to destroy in the sixth chapter what he created in the first few chapters of Genesis.

Why are we still intrigued by what happened to the ark? (Is it still moldering up on Mount Ararat somewhere?) Shouldn’t we be more concerned about why God made his grim decision? Are there any parallels today in our society that might make God wonder if we’re ever going to get it?
Corruption and violence were the twin terrors that tipped God in the direction of wiping us off the face of the earth and starting over. Notice any corruption or violence out there? Are you involved in any of it? Have we seen so much of it on TV and in the movies that we have become immune to its sadness and cruelty? The Bible says, “The heart is desperately wicked, and who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

I often wonder how God can continue to put up with us. There was a time, Genesis Six says, when God gave up on our getting better by ourselves. In a breath-catching move, he volunteered to rescue Noah and his family and made them the incredible offer of being in covenant with them to start a new world! What an awesome God!

We are in recession right now because of corruption in the areas of high finance and mortgage lending. I doubt if anyone could pinpoint who is to blame. That’s not the issue. We church people are corrupt enough to make God cringe. We sometimes treat each other terribly. We all need to repent and turn from our wicked ways. When you get outside the church, the world is exceedingly s-c-a-r-y!

Sunday would be a good time to come sit in the Father’s house and do some deep and significant thinking.

See you there!
