Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday, that all-important date in the church year when the church celebrates the sending of Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the indwelling presence of God who comes to take up residence in the lives of HIs people. There is much that the Holy Spirit accomplishes in the lives of believers, much more than can be explained or even named in a short blog article. But the work of the Spirit of which I am most aware on this Monday morning and for which I am giving great thanks is the way the Spirit gifts His people for the work of ministry.
When I think of the Bayshore family I cannot help but be awed by all the simple and profound ways in which the Holy Spirit has equipped us – imperfect as we are – for doing the work of the church. Just consider all the people who were necessary to make yesterday happen, a day which by most accounts was just another “typical” Sunday at Bayshore. From those unseen servants who stuff bulletins and unlock doors (the gift of helps), to the greeters who welcome the family and assist visitors (the gift of hospitality), to the teachers who communicate Biblical truth (the gift of teaching), to the musicians who help our spirits commune with His spirit (the gifts of faith and leadership), to those who simply seek out others in the hallway to offer encouragement and prayer (the gifts of exhortation and mercy), yesterday was a day full of Spirit-led ministry.
And that is why I give thanks. In fact, the phrase Spirit-led ministry is a bit redundant, for if it is not Spirit-led then it is not ministry. If our efforts are of human origin, they will fail. But the good news is that they are not; the Spirit is still present among us, still giving us His gifts to do HIs work -not because we are worthy but only because He his.
Thank you Bayshore for continuing to be a place where the Spirit moves. Most of all, thank you Holy Spirit for continuing to come to us.