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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Is. 58;9b-14; Ps. 86:1-11; Lk. 5:29-32

My faith journey started when I was born! Yes, you see, my parents took me to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night until I went to college. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and was baptized when I was nine years old. Then I went to a Baptist college and was required to go to chapel once a week. I did not attend a local church during my college years realizing my faith was really my parents’ faith, not mine. I do believe that my Dad loved me as unconditionally as any human can love, and this helped me continue in my faith journey.

When I was a senior, we had African American girls go through Rush wanting to join my sorority. In the late 60s, this put us in turmoil, and since I was president of the sorority, a lot of the burden of what to do landed on me. I prayed and asked God for direction, and it was the first time I heard a clear and definite answer to prayer. We allowed the girls to rush! More importantly, I exercised my own faith.

Although I have had many answers to prayer and defining moments in my faith journey, I think that the birth of our first child was the greatest. It still amazes me that God can take two cells and create a human being with DNA unlike anyone that has ever lived! We should each feel how special we are because we truly are “wonderfully made!”

–Janet Allyn