Would you kindly share with us a little bit about a person in Uganda who has impacted your life or been a godly role model for you?
My friend and coworker, Faith, has been a key support for me at work, but also taught by example about tenacity and keeping a positive attitude even in difficult circumstances. Faith is in charge of MTI’s Operations department which is responsible for all procurement requests for medicines, medical supplies and all other supplies for all of our programs, or operations, in the field. Due to the complexity of relationships with partner organizations with whom MTI contracts for various supplies, often our requests are held up due to issues belonging to our partners’ lack of funding/supplies, or even national stock-outs of essential medicines or medical supplies. To further complicate things, our clinics in the settlement often operate without power or transportation, making it almost impossible for the health facilities to submit inventory reports and supply requisitions in a timely manner. To put it mildly, we operate every day in a lot of chaos. Yet Faith somehow always manages to have a smile, to stay positive, and always expect the best. She recognizes how critical her role is in making sure we have what we need as we minister to refugees in the settlements: she is usually the first one to the office and the last to leave, and even works weekends. She has personally challenged me to grow in ways of dedication, compassion, and love She lives up to her name and epitomizes daily the meaning of James 2:14-26.
Love, Karen