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Some smart dude said once, “The best marriage is a compromise!” Meaning what, exactly?

I seriously distrust those couples who aver that they’ve never ever had a single argument! Billy Graham’s wife, the late Ruth Graham, is well-quoted as telling her children that “if you both agree on everything, one of you is unnecessary!”

So, the art of compromise means bringing your wants and needs to the table but being willing to give in at different points in order to have peace in the home and the relationship. The unity and sanctity of the marriage, which is the beating heart of the home, are more important than having your way all the time. Unless you want to grow old all alone, the remnant of a broken marriage, you must learn to compromise your differences.

Having a happy marriage and raising children that are well-adjusted, law-abiding, and God-fearing—these are two of the greatest ways to measure your success in life. Doesn’t really matter how much money you accumulate over your life if the primary relationships of family and home are neglected or abused to the point of ruin.

Marilyn and I will celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary on February 25, 2011. We never dreamed that half a century could zip by with such alacrity! We want to share what little wisdom we have garnered over the last 50 years, living together, raising children, moving around the country serving our Lord in several different churches. I think I married the greatest pastor’s wife I have ever known! We are a team!

She will join me on a “love seat” on the platform this coming Sunday morning. Together we will open our hearts to tell you how the Lord brought us together in the first place and how He kept us together during the rough patches. For, as I said, no marriage is perfect from the word “Go!” Our marriage has not been without its troubles. But, just because a person gets sick, you don’t take him out and shoot him! You take him to a doctor and get some medicine, so he can get well again. When a marriage is in trouble, it’s time to call your pastor, not your lawyer!

Well, I want to leave a little for Sunday morning. Hope you’ll join us! It will be great fun!

Here and now for Him,
