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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Jer. 11:18-20; Ps. 7:6-11; Jn. 7:37-52

 Growing up Episcopalian, I learned to take Lent seriously.  Alex has been talking about the liturgical calendar, and that was something we Episcopalian young people learned prior to confirmation.  In fact, the whole confirmation preparation and actual “laying on of the hands” by the bishop was a serious and memorable milestone in my faith growth and journey.  I began to take my responsibilities and obligations to my faith and to my church seriously.  The lessons I learned back then have stuck with me throughout my lifetime.  One of them is Lent, and what one might do to honor this somber time of the year.

As a child, and even as an adult, the notion of giving up something for Lent was something I tried to do each year.  But, I matured.  In recent years, the obligation to be more aware of Christ’s suffering has turned into what can I do more of during Lent.  How can I be aware of suffering in the world around me and try to do something to alleviate it, something I might not have thought of or taken on prior to Lent.

So, now, for me, Lent is taking something on, not giving something up.  I think others in our church are committing to doing the same.  There are wonderful and serious opportunities arising for us to do more in our own community.  The church staff and Missions Committee are exploring some meaningful outreach efforts.  So, stay tuned – there may be some exciting opportunities to Do More during Lent.

–Liz Kennedy