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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Is. 1:2-4, 16-20; Ps. 50:7-15, 22-24; Matt. 23:1-12

Fibromyalgia is described in Medical News Today as “a severely debilitating affliction characterized by widespread deep tissue pain, tenderness, fatigue, sleep disorders and cognitive decline.”

Since I was diagnosed in 2013, God has chosen to make Himself completely known on my journey, and I am so grateful. It is a beautiful opportunity to exercise my faith…to consider a new kind of trial joy.

God, in His sweet sovereignty, moved me into the perfect job at just the right moment.  My tasks are challenging and fun.  My job is such a joy.

Jesus prepared Troy’s heart. My husband has filled every gap that my limitations create in our home with a servant’s heart and loving attitude. God is teaching my children about His purposes and plans for our lives and how they aren’t always what we might choose, but they are always good. He brought a crazy dog into our family to provide distraction and companionship. Lily doesn’t care if I stutter or forget what I was saying as long as I rub her belly!

Jesus is showing me His faithfulness and teaching me how precious and necessary it is to depend on Him.  He shows me that His grace really is sufficient and He has provided every bit of mercy I will need . . . His thoughts are better than mine any day.

Jesus meets me in the middle of the night when I cannot sleep but know my body needs to rest.  We spend precious moments together discussing the day to come, loved ones, and how good He is to me.  There are some nights when sleep robs me of this intimate time, but I praise Him for that much-needed relief as well.

Jesus is teaching me to rest and focusing His call to ministry for me.  He is making it clear where He wants me to serve and providing for any gaps.  In rest, He is teaching me to seek Him.  Our time together has been more rich and abundant than I can ever remember.

I thank Him for the good days and praise Him on the bad days.  I have learned to seize the moment, laugh at myself, live with less and seek Him first. He is so good.

–Kelly Borst