Matthew 21:28-32
Jesus’ Parable of the Two Sons reminds me of a time when I clearly experienced God’s provision after I chose to be obedient.
As a young mom and newcomer to Tampa, I had struggled to make meaningful connections. When a neighbor invited me to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), it was an answer to prayer. Here was a group of women who loved God and making new friends.
I thrived at BSF, soaking up the fellowship while digging into Scripture. As God often does, He asked me to grow more. I was approached to be a Children’s Leader in a program that ran concurrently with the adult class. “No,” I thought. “I love children, but I would be removed from the adult experience I treasure.” I prayerfully considered the request and was prompted by the Holy Spirit to heed the call.
I was placed in the leaders’ group which met on an alternate day. We prayed weekly for the needs of the class. Just as I prepared to begin my new role, an unexpected development was voiced in prayer; a pianist was desperately needed. I had not played the piano in public since high school, but I knew God meant this opportunity for me. I had been obedient to His calling rather than pursue my own desire. Now I could remain with the adults, serve the class, and honor Him through music.
As pianist, I joyfully played for BSF for the next ten years. If I had not been in the leaders’ group, I would have missed the urgent prayer for a pianist.
I believe God pardons our initial resistance to comply and blesses us when we repent, obey, and prove ourselves to be better than our words. Thanks to God, better late than never can become better than we ever imagined.
–Sandi Wallace