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Isaiah 6:1-5, Psalm 72

The One We Serve

Daily we run into life challenges. These are what I like to call, “Valley Situations.” In Isaiah 6:1-5, when God reached out to the man in the Temple who felt unqualified to experience the grace from the God of Love, God still reached out to him. This man was blinded to the unconditional love of God from the shame he had regarding his valley situation.

In Psalm 72, when David calls out to the Lord, he places trust that God will bring peace to His people, lift up the needy and weak, and penetrate all corners of this earth with His Glory.  When we pray, we humbly place our faith in God’s sovereignty and trust our ability to be His hands and feet. 

Whatever may lie ahead in your life, be faithful that the God who graciously gives hope to the hopeless, strengthens the weary, and fulfills the vacant can bring prosperity into your valley situation. As you deal with your situation, regardless of what it may be, there is no limit on the limitless. We love God who we continue to serve because we trust Him with our lives.

-Christian Germano