1 Chronicles 28:1-10
Let the Light Shine on Our Community
Last month’s mid-term elections reminded Americans how blessed we are. We live in a free country, where we can vote and worship as we please. In 1 Chronicles, David explained that it was his descendants’ responsibility to build a house for the Lord, where His commandments could be followed. Like those before us, our generation has inherited that responsibility.
When I joined the FBI, I wanted to “make a difference.” In Tampa, I found a community full of persons devoting their lives to making that difference. We know those in the military and law enforcement make such a commitment every day, as do other first responders.
Just as David reminded Solomon, if we seek the Lord, He will be found in us; if we forsake Him, He will cast us off. There is no better time than during Advent, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, “of the house and lineage of David,” that we remember as Christians, we are to build God’s church, to serve as a light to our community.
Let us pray that we continue doing so, and by so doing live up to God’s wishes, as David instructed.
-Van Magers