Matthew 2:13-18
Listening to God’s Voice
”the angel of the Lord” spoke to Joseph
When thinking about how this applied to me, I remembered a series of happenings after 9/11. I was living in Kentucky and all I could think about was where would I want to be if something this tragic happened that affected me personally. The answer was, back home in Florida with family. I prayed for God to show me what to do.
A few months later I lost my job. I was devastated at first but realized this was my chance to move back home. My cousin suggested teaching, and I had total faith that I would be hired as a science teacher.
During a very low point after months of applying for jobs and my house not selling, I got a call from an old friend. She shared with me a trying time she had been through and said, “God isn’t giving you more than you can handle.” I got a teaching job, my Kentucky house sold, and I found a house near family. Then, when looking for a church, my friend Marilyn Jackson, invited me to Bayshore.
Only God could have orchestrated all this. I believe God spoke to me through others along the way.
-Carmen Hufstetler