Psalms 80:3
“Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.”
Restore Me, O God
Currently, I am working on letting God have control over each and every thing that I do. It seems that I must remind myself to do this many times a day. God is revealing to me that this is a lack of faith because if I truly believed that God could handle my life better than I, then I would let Him.
Along with this verse from Psalms, words from the song “Clean” by Natalie Grant speak to me every time I hear them.
“I see broken but You see beautiful. There’s nothing too dirty that You can’t make worthy. You wash me in mercy and I am clean. Washed in the blood of Your sacrifice; Your blood flowed red and made me white; my dirty rags are purified. Oh, I’m coming alive with joy and destiny because you’re restoring me piece by piece.”
The image of God’s face shining on me reminds me that God’s presence is always there and all I need to do is receive the Light to be restored.
-Janet Allyn